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Kiran Sai Subramanyam K

Freelance Full Stack Developer with 10+ years of experience

Founder of Xplorebits Technologies (OPC) Private Limited, India

He is incredible -- diligent, intelligent, great communicator and creative. We are very lucky to work with him

Dan Johnson, CEO @ JurorSearch LLC, Chicago, IL

Custom Application Design & Development

I build efficient websites with Vue.js and robust backends with Rust. I'm skilled in database management and API development.
These technologies ensure smooth, secure, and high-performance applications.

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Automated and Manual QA Testing

I use Cypress for strong end-to-end tests. I also make clear test plans for manual testing.
These methods help deliver high-quality software using both machine and human testing.

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Project Management
& Consulting

I guide projects from start to finish using Agile methods and technical expertise.
As your consultant, I ensure efficient development and timely delivery of software solutions.

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